Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Authentic and Non-Authentic Materials for Teaching English in Developing Language Skills
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English that is taught in the classroom should be authentic and the language involved should be naturally occurring just like the way natives speak. Authentic texts should be used when teaching English in class and resources such as real articles, magazines, cooking recipes, real advertisements, and the like must be used as a source of reference and information. Authentic language refers to real language and its use in its own community.
Types of Authentic Materials
Some types of authentic materials are as follows:
- Documentaries
- Online videos
- Podcasts
- Advertisements
- Commercials
Advantages of Authentic Materials
- Positive impact: They have a positive impact on learner motivation.
- Exposure: They also provide exposure to real language.
- Creative Approach: Authentic materials foster a more creative approach to teaching and learning.
- Relatable: The materials are more relevant and relatable to the learner’s needs.
- Cultural information: They also offer authentic cultural information.
Disadvantages of authentic materials
- Difficult language: Sometimes, the authentic materials may contain difficult language, complex language structures, and unnecessary vocabulary items.
- Culturally Inappropriate: The information given in the authentic material may be culturally inappropriate at times.
Non-authentic materials refer to materials used by teachers or learners to facilitate language learning. These may include grammar books, workbooks, videos, cassettes, dictionaries, photocopies, and the like.
Advantages of Non-Authentic Materials
- Easy Language: The language of the non-authentic material is easier to understand.
- Clear objective: It also facilitates the development of clear objectives.
- Adaptable: These materials can be adapted to the teaching method and learning style easily.
- Relevant: The information presented in the non-authentic materials is relevant, useful, and focused.
- Reliable: The information contained in the non-authentic material is reliable and can be trusted.
Disadvantages of Non-Authentic Materials
- Lack of exposure: The materials may offer a lack of exposure to learners when it comes to real language.
- Lack of cultural information: There may be a lack of cultural information in the non-authentic materials.
Types of Non-Authentic Materials
- Worksheets
- Textbooks
- CDs
- DVDs
Authentic materials enable learners to interact with the real language and content rather than the form. Non-authentic materials enable learners to be motivated, understand, and obtain real, meaningful, and useful language rather than form.