Evaluate the Types and Importance of Formal and Informal Writing Skills

Formal writing includes the use of standard English, less use of personal pronouns, lack of slang terms and colloquial words, and more complex sentence structures. Formal writing often includes long sentences and it also follows a more structured approach where points are introduced, explained, and concluded clearly. They are also carefully planned, revised, and reviewed several times to ensure clarity.

Informal language includes the use of nonstandard English forms, shorter sentence structures, and colloquial vocabulary. When one chooses to write in either formal or informal style, it affects certain areas which include standard or nonstandard English, use of contractions, use of pronouns, and choice of vocabulary. In informal writing, sentences, as well as paragraphs, are shorter which is particularly true for internet content. Writers may also make points using incomplete sentences or ellipses.

Types of Formal Writing

The different types of formal writing are as follows:

  1. Business writing
  2. Academic writing
  3. Formal letters

Types of Informal Writing

The different types of informal writing are as follows:

  1. Social media posts
  2. Personal blogs
  3. Text messages
  4. Anecdotal articles
  5. Comic books
  6. Postcards

Importance of Formal Writing Skills

The importance of formal writing skills is as follows:

Creates seriousness

Formal writing denotes that the writer is serious about what he or she is writing.

Establishes respect

A formal tone also establishes the writer’s respect for the audience.

Suggests Literacy

Using a formal tone in writing also suggests that the person is well-educated.

Academic Purpose

For much academic content, formal writing is necessary.

Standard Style

Formal writing also evokes a certain standard which makes the writing of good quality.

Importance of Informal Writing

The importance of informal writing is as follows:

Increases Awareness

Informal writing allows learners to increase their awareness of their own ways of making sense.

Guided Learning

It is a form of guided learning as students can feel heard and get an opening to communicate their needs as learners.

Understand Thoughts

Informal writing enables learners to understand their thoughts which helps them to improve their learning.

Active Role

Learners can have an active role when they are writing in an informal tone as they can express their thoughts more clearly.

Make Sense of Materials

Learners can make sense of many things and teachers can learn how students understand and imagine different things through informal writing.

One cannot state that formal writing is better than informal writing as there is a particular time and place for both forms of writing. Hence, it depends upon the writer to analyze the situation properly and choose an appropriate writing style.

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