How does Social Mediation Help in The Understanding Process of Knowledge Construction? 

Social Mediation

Social mediation is the process of mediating between conflicts to resolve problems between learners and foster a better and healthier classroom environment. Construction of knowledge is a process that occurs through a lot of social engagement and social interaction. Teachers and learners need to interact with one another so that  learning can take place and new knowledge can be constructed with reference to the past experiences of the learners. All the knowledge that is constructed in the classroom is done with regard to the previous or existing knowledge of learners.

Importance of Social Mediation In Construction of Knowledge

Social mediation helps in understanding the process of knowledge construction in the following ways:

Conflict Resolution

In a classroom environment, conflicts between learners are inevitable. Social mediation by the instructor is helpful because it helps resolve these conflicts.

Promotes Harmony

A classroom where learners are constantly fighting one another is unhealthy. A proper classroom is characterized by peace and harmony which is promoted  by social mediation so that construction of knowledge can occur.

Encourages Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is important among learners. Teachers need to mediate and encourage learners to develop respect for another and foster knowledge construction.

Encourages Diversity

Educational institutions are becoming diverse and this leads instructors to mediate and encourage learners to appreciate people from every community. This provides room for better construction of knowledge.

Reduces Discrimination

When there is diversity, discrimination can occur in the classroom which can be avoided through social mediation by the teacher. It encourages the enhancement of knowledge construction.

Promotes Equality

By avoiding discrimination through social mediation, one can bring equality, peace, and harmony in the  classroom which is highly helpful for the construction of knowledge.

Facilitates Classroom Unity

Proper construction of knowledge takes place when there is unity in the classroom. This can be facilitated by social mediation as it avoids discrimination and promotes peace, harmony, and unity.


According to Vygotsky, social mediation is,

“the process through which the social and the individual mutually shape each other.”

Therefore, construction of knowledge should take place alongside social mediation.

social Mediation
social mediation in construction of knowledge

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