Cognitive Negotiability in Construction of Knowledge B.Ed Notes

Cognitive Negotiability

One of the most common beliefs associated with knowledge is that it is constructed rather than acquired. This construction is influenced by certain environmental factors and the experiences of an individual. A learner, therefore, constructs new knowledge based on his or her experiences of life and through their cognitive negotiability level. Negotiation is highly associated with the construction of knowledge as it forms an association and a bond between emotional intelligence and cognitive ability.

Characteristics of Cognitive Negotiability

Cognitive negotiability in construction of knowledge involves four major factors which are the following.

Information acquisition

Construction of knowledge takes place through the acquisition of new information. Based on the previous experiences of a learner, instructors impart new information to them so that new knowledge can be constructed. Hence, it included the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, behaviors, understanding, preferences, moral values, and attitudes.

Decision Making

Decision making is referred to as a cognitive process which leads to the choice of a belief or an action that is chosen amongst various other options. Decision making can be rational or it can be irrational. Decision making is done through collecting information and assessing the various options that are available. This encourages construction of knowledge and involves cognitive negotiability. 

Choice of Strategies

The strategies and tactics one applies when involved in tactical knowledge is also a form of knowledge construction. Coming up with strategies requires a lot of thought, planning, research, and cognitive negotiability due to which boosts the construction of knowledge.

Ability To Influence Emotions

One of the most important forms of cognitive negotiability is to have the ability to influence the emotions of other people and enable them to act in a certain way or take a certain decision which may benefit the individual. For instance, business owners are constantly trying to influence the shopping behavior of their customers. This is a form of cognitive negotiability which adds to the construction of knowledge.


Construction of knowledge takes place throughout life and through various means. Therefore, it is safe to say that cognitive negotiability contributes significantly to the construction of knowledge.

cognitive negotiability
Cognitive Negotiability in Construction of Knowledge

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