Similarities and Difference Between Norm-Referenced Test and Criterion-Referenced Test with Examples

Similarities and Difference Between Norm-Referenced Test and Criterion-Referenced Test with Examples

According to Brown,

“Assessment  refers to a related series of measures used to determine a complex attribute of an individual or group of individuals. This involves gathering and interpreting information about student level of attainment of learning goals.”

It aims to enable the instructors to determine how much the learners have understood what the teacher has taught in the class and how much they can apply the knowledge of what has been taught in the class as well.

Difference between Norm-Referenced Test and Criterion-Referenced Test

Norm-Referenced Test Criterion-Referenced Test 
1. It measures the performance of a learner with another group of learners. It measures the performance of a learner based on a certain standard or criteria. 
2. It is a broad and more diverse type of test. It is a comparatively less diverse and narrower type of test. 
3. It measures the acquisition of knowledge through different sources.It measures the acquisition of knowledge through a specific content. 
4. It must be administered in a standardized format. It is not necessary for the test to be administered following a standard format. 
5. This type of test is scripted. It may or may not be scripted. 

Similarities between Norm-Referenced Test and Criterion-Referenced Test

1. Both the tests are related to the curriculum. 

2. Both the tests are used to measure the performance of a learner. 

3. Both the tests are used to compare individual performance.

According to Anne Davies,

“Assessment for learning is ongoing, and requires deep involvement on the part of the learner in clarifying outcomes, monitoring on-going learning, collecting evidence and presenting evidence of learning to others.”

Assessment refers to the process of collecting information that reflects the performance of a student, school, classroom, or an academic system based on a set of standards, learning criteria, or curricula. Evaluation is a process which is continuous as well as comprehensive and involves all the tasks of education and not merely tests, measurements, and examination.

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