Meaning and Construction of Process Oriented Tools B.ED Notes

Meaning and Construction of Process Oriented Tools B.ED Notes

Process-oriented tools are tools that act as facilitators in the teaching learning process and it scaffolds the learner’s ability and process of creating ideas and thinking about the process. The main difference between process-oriented assessment and product-oriented assessment is that in the former, the method in which the skill is performed is evaluated and in the latter, the outcome of the skill performance is evaluated. 

Process-oriented tools facilitate individual development and learner choice. The current education system lays more stress on accountability and assessment and hence, it challenges this approach which has led to a new perspective which focuses on the processes which are the intended outcomes of learning rather than the the processes that occur as a part of learning. 

The construction of process oriented tools is done in the following manner: 

Data Integration

It involves integrating data from multiple sources. The knowledge can be collected from various sources.

Behaviour Exhibition

It involves focusing on behaviours which are exhibited when individuals are completing different tasks. 

Decision Making

It also facilitates decision making regarding which subsets from specific tests need to be administered. 

Better Understanding

It also involves gaining a better understanding of a learner’s unique pattern of needs and strengths. 

Through the incorporation of process-oriented tools into one’s evaluation and assessment practice, teachers gain the flexibility to use the most appropriate problem solving method based on the learner’s presentation of factors as a way to gain information which is needed for determining intervention as well as instructional strategies. 

Through such a level of analysis, it is also possible for the teacher to gain comprehensive information of the student’s learning process which guides the teacher in developing specific recommendations to support the student’s learning process.

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