What are the Fundamental Principles, Aims and Educational Implications of Pragmatism Philosophy 

What are the Fundamental Principles, Aims and Educational Implications of Pragmatism Philosophy

Pragmatism originated in the United Stated in the 1870s. Pragmatism means practical and considers words and thoughts to be an instrument of problem solving, decision making, and actions. The philosophy suggests that learning should be about life and growth. Education should focus on reality and the real world.

According to pragmatism,

“Whatever fulfills man’s purpose and desires and develops his life, is true. Truth is that which gives satisfactory results when put into practice.” 

Principles of Pragmatism 

i). The Precarious

Everything that happens in life is natural events as human beings are a part of nature. The difficulties, danger, evilness, and kindness are all natural and uncertain. Societal values, norms and ideas of humans function in the same way. The knowledge acquired keeps changing with the changes in society. 

ii). Histories 

There should be necessary changes in the society for development but it should not completely drift away from the past. The modification made should relate with the past practices for the desired needs of the society.

iii). Ends and goods 

Before bringing any changes, first it must be perceived if it is good for the society. The changes should be of good outcome that will help in the development of humans and society. 

Aims of Pragmatism 

  • i). Actual learning is done by practising. Pragmatism believes that experience is education.
  • ii). Education should consist of both theory and practical. The learnings should be connected with the real world. 
  • iii). There should be social interaction and activities in the classroom and not just limited to teaching. 
  • iv). Education is not about preparing one for their future but for the present. 
  • v). Enhancing learning with the interests of the students and making it active learning. 
  • vi). The human mind and society should keep changing and advancing with time for good. 

Educational Implications of Pragmatism 

  • i). Pragmatism has been very influential in progressive education. 
  • ii). It changed the system of education to bring out the best potential of individuals and help in their development. 
  • iii). Education should be about social interactions and freedom of participation in the classroom for it to be effective. 
  • iv). Education isn’t about transmitting information to the students but teaching them the methods of acquiring information for themselves. 
  • v). It promotes the continuous development of humans and society to the maximum extent. 
  • vi). Pragmatism has helped widely in the field of education.

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