Aims of Education According to Indian Education Commission (1964-66)

Aims of Education according to Indian education commission (1964-66)

Kothari Commission was established on 14 July, 1964 by the Government of India. It is also known as the National Education Commission, 1964. The commission was headed by Dr. Daulat Singh Kothari. It consisted of 17 members who provided assistance for the policy formulation of the educational system. The commission consulted from 20 overseas experts in education from the USA, UK, Japan, France, Sweden. Kothari Commission was the sixth commission in India but the first to deal comprehensively in improving the system of education. It provided recommendations to bring necessary changes for the improvement of Indian education. Reports of the commission were submitted on 29 June, 1966 to M.C. Chagla, who was the Minister of Education at that time. 

The commission introduced a new structure of education which was aligned in 10+2+3. According to this pattern, primary and secondary education should be of 10 years; higher secondary education should be of 2 years and vocational education should be of 3 years.

Aims of Education According to the Indian Education Commission, 1964 

The aims of the commission were: 

i. Make education compulsory and free from 6 to 14 years of age for every child. 

ii. Give recommendations to bring improvement in the Indian education system. 

iii. Following a certain pattern of education and includeing all aspects for development. 

iv. Provide policies and principles for development of the educational system. 

v. Make education career based to help individuals be prepared for the future. 

vi. Do proper research to make the quality of the educational system better.

vii. Find out what are the limitations in the Indian education system and provide suggestions on improving it. 

viii. Help in the character formulation of children and giving importance to national education.

xi. Make education equal at all levels and in every province.

The Indian education Commission comprised of 12 task forces:

1. School Education,

2. Higher Education,

3. Technical Education,

4. Agricultural Education,

5. Adult Education,

6. Science Education and Research,

7. Teacher Training and Teacher Status,

8. Student Welfare,

9. New Techniques and Methods,

10. Manpower,

11. Educational Administration and,

12. Educational Finance.

It also consisted of seven working groups:

1. Women’s Education, 

2. Education of Backward Classes,

3. School Buildings,

4. School-Community Relations,

5. Statistics,

6. Pre-Primary Education, and,

7. School Curriculum.


The Kothari Commission’s contribution has been of wide importance in the field of education. Indian education has been more effective through the ideas and policies introduced by the commission. It has helped to follow a particular and systematic pattern of education. The commission brought changes that were necessary to improve the quality of education in the country.

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