What are the Five Basic Principles of Jainism and its Educational Implications

What are the Five Basic Principles of Jainism and its Educational Implications

Jainism is one of the oldest religions practiced in the world. Jainism believes in no God instead in the plurality of souls. It holds the belief that there are as many souls as there are living beings and godliness is present in every soul. In Jainism, God is someone who is a perfect and enlightened human being. This perfect state can be achieved through self realization and meditation. According to Jainism, Nirvana can be acquired through three factors:

  • i). Right Philosophy.
  • ii). Right Knowledge.
  • iii). Right Conduct.

Five Basic Principles of Jainism

The five basic principles of Jainism are: 

i). Ahimsa (non-violence)

Avoid harming any living beings including animals and plants whether it be with words or actions.

ii). Aparigraha (non-attachment)

It is not to be greedy about material possessions and luxury. 

iii). Satya (not lying)

It is to always speak the truth in every situation. 

iv). Asteya (not stealing)

It us to not indulge in any theft of any kind.

v). Brahmacharya (sexual restraint)

It is not to be unchaste.

Jainism believes by doing these things humans acquire bad karma and should avoid it. 

Educational Implications of Jainism 

i). Make children open-minded and look at things from different points of view. 

ii). Make education such that it will improve the mind and soul of children. 

iii). Help students acquire new knowledge and realize their needs and interests.

iv). Make students figure out their weaknesses and work towards improving it.

v). Enable sense in students of what is right and wrong, and good and bad. 

vi). Making an individual self sufficient and self dependent. 

vii). Help in the all round development of children i.e. physically, mentally, and spiritually.

viii). Helping in the character formulation and personality development of children.

ix). Develop positive traits in children such as kindness, compassion, humanity, honesty, and respect. 

x). Adopt discipline and obedience in children developing positive intentions and proper behaviour in them.

xi). Develop feelings of empathy, sympathy, and compassion.

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