Difference between Indian and Western Concept of Education B.Ed  Notes

As we already know, Indian Education is based on the Gurukul system where the students live with their gurus or the teachers and are responsible for their student’s education and participation. The students were expected to work by themselves and earn an education under their gurus. However, the old system of Gurukul significantly changed in the later stages as it was influenced by the Mughal Empire as well as British rule. Western Education was introduced in India after the invasion of the British East India company. Western Education emphasizes more on building a skilled workforce rather than a knowledge workforce.

The basic difference between the Indian and Western Concepts of Education are as follows:

● Indian education is based on knowledge and rote learning while the western education system is more focused on practical based learning.

● Unlike the Indian Education system where subjects are divided into streams, the Western education system does not follow any stream system. A student can choose any subject combination they desire. 

● Western education is a great promoter of research and discoveries. There is very little scope for research in Indian education.

● In Indian education, students are more focused on completing the syllabus. On the other hand, Western education is based on adaptive learning and students need not rely on the syllabus to gain knowledge.

● Indian certification is more affordable as compared to Western certification as food and accommodation charges are cheaper in India. In Western education, college fees are relatively low but the food and accommodation charges are comparatively higher.

There is a huge gap between the Indian education system and the western education system as each follows different learning processes. The students in the Indian education system possess more knowledge. While on the other hand, the students in the western education system possess more experience. Still, there are many differences yet certain relationship between these two types of education system.

Main Aims of Education Sociological Foundation of Education B.Ed M.ED
Main Aims of Education Sociological Foundation of Education

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