Special Needs of Adolescence B.Ed Notes 


Adolescence is a period when an individual is neither a child nor an adult. They are in a stage of transition where they are turning from a child into an adult. Since adolescence is a period of rapid growth and development, they have many special needs which are as follows:

Special Needs of Adolescence B.Ed Notes 

Since adolescence is a period of rapid growth and development, they have many special needs which are as follows:

Emotional Needs

Adolescence is a highly emotional period and adolescents are constantly seeking validation and approval from the people around them. They feel the need to attract members of the opposite sex.

Physical Needs

Adolescence is a period where adolescents are constantly going through several changes in their bodies. These changes may leave them feeling confused and it gives rise to various physical needs.

Social Needs

Adolescence is a period of identity crisis and adolescents are constantly trying to build their own individuality in society.


Adolescents are constantly filled with the need for independence. They do not like to be controlled or supervised by elders. Adolescence is a period during which adolescents like to be self-dependent.

Philosophical Needs

Adolescence is a period of curiosity and adolescents are always eager to learn new things. Hence, they require some philosophies for life to establish their personal viewpoints about different things.


During adolescence, there are various physical and biological changes. The body is growing both in terms of height and weight. Due to these developments and changes, adolescents also require a balanced diet and a larger quantity of food.


Since adolescence is a period during which curiosity is heightened, adolescents are always keen to gain new experiences. Hence, they are eager to explore.

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