Meaning and Concept of Guidance and Counselling

Difference between Guidance and Counselling with Examples

Guidance and counseling are often considered to be the same but they are two different concepts. Guidance refers to the advice given by an experienced person to solve a problem.

“Guidance is a continuous process of helping the individual development to the maximum of his capacity in the direction most beneficial to himself and to society.”

E.F. Lindquist

It is the advice or solutions given by experts or superiors to an individual to overcome a difficult situation.

“Guidance means helping John to see through himself in order that he may see himself through.”


The guidance refers to the advice given by an expert or another individual to solve a problem. It can be formal as well as informal. It is a dynamic and continuous process. It ensures that the choices of the individual serve society and allows individuals to recognize their talents and abilities.

“Counselling is a face to face relationship in which growth takes place in the counsellor as well as the counsellee.”

Ruth Strang

Counseling is the advice or help given by a professional counselor to a counselee to help them overcome their personal or psychological difficulties. It is the process of talking therapy provided by a professional counselor to a counselee.

“Counselling is the psychotherapeutic relationship in which an individual receives direct help from an adviser or finds an opportunity to release negative feelings and thus clear the way for positive growth in personality.”


Guidance and counseling are needed for a better understanding of the self. It allows individuals to recognize their talents and abilities. It develops a sense of self-direction and resourcefulness in individuals. Guidance and counseling allow individuals to receive advice and information for their careers. It allows one to develop good habits and avoid undesirable attitudes.

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