Multiple Choice Questions on Heredity and Environment for CTET Childhood and Growing Up 36

  1. Which type of children are likely to be more motivated and pursue their goals
  • a. Children who grow up in a positive social environment
  • b. Children who grow up in an unstable emotional environment
  • c. Children who grow up in a negative social environment
  • d. All of the above

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  • a. Emotional security is highly crucial for a child’s overall development
  • b. Emotional security is not needed for a child’s overall development

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following pertains to a child’s social environment?
  • a. An unstable emotional environment will lead children to have a lack of care and attention
  • b. A child’s home and the neighborhood are highly responsible for their social development
  • c. Children need healthy support from their parents to ensure the improvement of their cognitive health
  • d. All of the above

Answer: b

  1. An unstable emotional environment will lead children to
  • a. have a stable life
  • b. succeed in their academics
  • c. be more motivated and pursue their goals
  • d. develop mental health issues in the future

Answer: d

  1. A child grows up in
  • a. various environments such as the home, the school, the family, the neighborhood, and the like
  • b. a single environment which is the home
  • c. a single environment which is the school
  • d. a single environment which is the neighborhood

Answer: a

  1. Children need healthy support from their parents to
  • a. ensure the improvement of their cognitive health
  • b. ensure them to be willing to learn and succeed
  • c. both a & b
  • d. none of the above

Answer: c

  1. A child’s home and the neighborhood
  • a. determines the quality of social relationships they will go on to develop
  • b. does not determine the quality of social relationships they will go on to develop

Answer: a

  1. Which of the following is true?
  • a. A child’s home and the neighborhood are highly responsible for their social development.
  • b. It determines the quality of social relationships they will go on to develop.
  • c. Developing healthy relationships and having positive social connections is important for a child to interact and develop socially.
  • d. All of the above

Answer: d

  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  • a. Every child is born with a different temperament
  • b. Every child is born with a similar temperament

Answer: a

Reason: They may have different levels of patience, irritability, persistence, shyness, activeness, and the like which affects the child’s adaptability to learning.

  1. Children who grow up in a positive social environment
  • a. are likely to be more motivated
  • b. are likely to pursue their goals
  • c. both a & b
  • d. none of the above

Answer: c

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