Educational Programme in Value at Different Stages of Value Judgement

Educational Programme in Value at Different Stages of Value Judgement

Dewey John said,

“To value means primarily to prize, to esteem; but secondarily it means to apprize, to estimate. It means, that is, the act of cherishing something, holding it dear and also the act of passing judgement upon the nature and amount of values as compared with something else. To value in the latter sense is to valuate or evaluate”.

According to the Oxford Dictionary “value judgment” has been defined as 

“An assessment ofsomething as good or bad in terms of one’s standards or priorities.”

 A value judgment is a judgement of the right or wrong in someone or something. A value judgment can refer to a judgment based upon a particular set of values. It is an evaluative statement of how good or bad one may consider an idea or action to be. In areas, such as aesthetics or morality, where there often are no objective right or wrong responses, value judgments are common.

Educational Programme in Value at Different Stages

Curricular Approach

Schools should include value education in their syllabus and have it as a separate subject. Teachers should go through the curricular and text books of their respective subjects and find out situations that relate to values. 

Co-curricular Approach

Co-curricular activities help in the development of moral and social values. Activities like dramas, essay writing, debates, and sports can also be associated with teaching values to children. 

Extracurricular Approach

Extra-curricular activities like encouraging children to be members of social clubs in schooland do social service, celebration of different religious festivals will be helpful in developing essential values in children.

Life Learning Approach:

This approach includes the basic educational aids such as books, teachers, classroom instructional materials, etc.

Reward and Punishment Approach

Reward and punishment approach works by rewarding children for showing a desirable behaviour and giving them punishment for undesirable behaviour. 


Values are an essential part of every individual’s life as it shapes their behaviour and personality and attitude in life.  Values reflects a person and tells a lot about them. Values are necessary for the overall development of an individual such as character, personality, and spiritual development. Values develop a well-balanced individual with a strong character, values and teaches mannerism. It  teaches people to help others in need and think from other person’s perspective. Moral values help people to be more selfless and considerate. Values make an individual understand what is good or bad, and, right or wrong in the society. Values develop a responsible and sensible citizen.

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