Organization of Guidance and Counselling Services at Secondary and Senior Secondary Level

Organization of Guidance and Counselling Services at Secondary and Senior Secondary Level

According to A.J. Jones, “Guidance involves personal help given by a competent person; it is designed to assist a person in deciding where he wants to go, what he wants to do, or how he can best accomplish his purposes; it assists him in solving problems that arise in his life. It does not solve problems for the individual, but helps him to solve them. The focus of guidance is the individual and not the problem; its purpose is to promote the growth of the individual in self-direction.”

According to Webster’s Dictionary, “Counselling means consultation, mutual interchange of opinion, deliberating together.”

Hence, it can be understood that guidance is when a person gets helpful advice or information from an experienced or qualified matter to solve or improve a serious problem. Guidance helps individuals to understand their true self and the potential they possess to do things. Guidance helps one to identify their talents and abilities. It gives direction to a person for where they want to be in life and how to reach there. 

Counselling is a way of receiving professional assistance through talking therapy from trainer personnel. It is done for the purpose of identifying one’s goals or solutions to personal problems. Counselling can be received individually, with partner or family depending upon the situation. Counselling is confidential and non-judgmental no matter the issue. It is to help individuals overcome the negativity and problems in life and improve their mental health. 

Guidance and Counselling at the Secondary Stage

Students at the secondary stage are helped with problems concerning academic stress such as learning and exams. They are also faced with other kinds of problems like emotional, social, and physical issues related to educational choice. As there are several problems students face in this stage, all three levels of guidance, that are: educational, vocational and personal guidance is required at  this level of education.

Guidance and Counselling at the Senior Secondary Stage

In this level, the students are fully matured and made aware of their rights and responsibilities. Teachers help students with the selection of their subjects according to their interests, i.e., Humanities, Science, and Commerce. They are guided and provided direction on the reality of life. Each student has their own aims and goals to achieve in school and life. Schools provide students with facilities and opportunities to achieve their goals and showcase their talents and skills. Teachers are there to guide the students when and where required and lead them to the right path. 

Guidance and Counselling Services at Secondary and Senior Secondary Level 

1). Test Preparation 

To provide students with the necessary test materials for their proper preparation. It helps students prepare in a more beneficial way for the several standardised test and exams. It can include possible questions for the tests, previous test papers, practice papers, etc. 

2). Program Planning 

Program planning given an idea on the various subjects and courses offered to the students. It explains the benefits of selecting a particular subjects, career in that field, which subject is best for an individual based on his academic abilities, and even fry other necessary detail. This helps the student in selecting a subject best suited for him and according to his interests. 

3). College or Career Planning 

Career planning provides students give an idea on the career they can opt for after completion of high school. Whether students want to continue with their education further or join the work life, they are provided guidance on both and given all the necessary help.

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