What are the Different Types of Group Counselling and Group Guidance

What are the Different Types of Group Counselling and Group Guidance

According to Crow and Crow,

“Guidance in group situations usually is thought of as referring to those guidance services that are made available by school personnel to large or small groups of pupils.”

As defined by Jone,

“Group guidance is any group enterprise or activity in which the primary purpose is to assist each individual in the group to solve his problems and to make his adjustments.”

Group guidance is assistance given to a group of people together facing similar problems. Many times people may be going through similar issues and need the guidance of someone else. Through a joint session, there problems can be discussed and worked on getting ki solved. The group may also help each other as they have similar issues. 

Group guidance can be carried on in the forms of:

i). Lectures or Talks

ii). Orientation

iii). Demonstrations and role-plays

iv). Group discussion 

Different Types of Group Guidance and Group Counselling 

The various way group guidance and group counselling can be done are the following: 

1). Lectures or Talks 

The most effective way of group guidance is through talks or lectures. Students with same interests or problems can attend a class where communication is both ways, i.e., teacher and students. The teacher must try to make the room atmosphere such that everyone is comfortable in sharing their personal problems or ideas. Though the teacher is doing the main talking here, the students are already to voice their opinion of there is such. 

2). Group Discussion 

Group discussion is where discuss their ideas, opinions, and views on something freely. Doing this helps students to understand each other better and the way one another thinks. 

Group discussion is free and frank where everyone’s opinion or problems is heard and acknowledged. Nobody is right or wrong here and everyone’s thoughts and feelings are equally taken in consideration. Every student is expected to participate actively and interact openly with one another. 

3). Orientation

Orientation gives students a sense of belongingness and makes every individual feel at homein a new environment. Being at a new place can make one feel nervous, social anxiety, and uncomfortable. For some of them, it may feel difficult to adjust to the new situation and accept the new changes they’re experiencing. Orientation helps to overcome this fear andstress to the students by informing them about the new situation. It gives details on everything relating to the student’s new surrounding such as the institution, the faculty members, the facilities provided, the administration, infrastructure, co-curricular activities, and overall helps students to get acquainted with one another. Orientation makes students feel comfortable and adjust well in the new surrounding. 

4). Role plays 

In role plays, students can demonstrate their problems or difficulties through acting. Role playing is in fact a fun way of describing one’s problem and solving it. During role play, half the stress of the participants is already taken away as it is a fun activity. Every participant is enjoying during the process of role play while also showcasing their problems. 

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