What are the Objectives and Components of Vocational Guidance B.Ed Notes

What are the Objectives and Components of Vocational Guidance B.Ed Notes

Frank Parsons who was a social and political reformer, founded the concept of Guidance and Counselling in form of vocational guidance. He established a Vocational Bureau in Boston in 1908. Frank Parsons is for this reason often known as the ‘Father of Vocational Guidance’.

Vocational guidance is the guidance provided to the students to help them choose a field in the profession they are interested. It promotes career development by helping students identify their strength and weaknesses. Students are made aware of their capabilities, what  they want to become when they grow up and where they feel are able to succeed. 

Several famous definitions have been provided on Vocational Guidance, some of which are:

• National Vocational Guidance Association defined Vocational Guidance as “a process of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter up on and progress on it”.

• According to G.E. Myers, “Vocational guidance is fundamentally an effort to conserve the priceless native capacities of youth and the costly training provided for youth in the schools. It seeks to conserve these richest of all human resources by aiding the individual to invest and use them where they will bring the greatest satisfaction and success to him and greatest benefit to society.”

• According to the Conference of International Labour Organisation, “Vocational guidance is an assistance given to an individual in solving the problems related to occupational choice and progress with due regard for the individual’s characteristics and their  relation to occupational opportunity.’

• In the words of John D. Crites, “Vocational guidance is a facilitative process, a service rendered to the individual to aid him in choosing and adjusting to an occupation.”

• According to Myers, “Vocational Guidance is the process of assisting the individual to do for himself certain definite things pertaining to his vocation.”

• Donald E. Super defined Vocational Guidance as “the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated  and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work, to test this concept  against reality and to convert it into reality with satisfaction to him and benefit to society.”

Objectives of Vocational Guidance 

The main objectives of vocational guidance are: 

1). The foremost objective of vocational guidance to lead students in choosing the right career for themselves for a bright future. 

2). To help students identify their talents, interests, and capabilities. 

3). Provide adequate information to the students about work life and culture. 

4). Make students confident and career ready by providing them enough knowledge and experience on their subject field. 

5). To assist students in preparing and choosing for a suitable vocation. 

6). To provide a sense of direction to the students for their future regarding occupation.

7). To help students in making the right choice for their future vocation.

8). To assist students in discovering their skills and capabilities of doing things.

9). To guide students in making a career choice that is beneficial and best for them.

10). To help students understand themselves better and know in which profession their interest lies.

11). To provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge so that they have the necessary knowledge and experience in their required profession. 

12). To promote career development by enhancing students skills and abilities.

Thus, Vocational guidance is the assistance given to the students for making the right career decisions for a bright and successful future. It solves a student’s problems on vocational planning and occupational choice. The guidance provided makes the students “work ready” to face the working world.

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