Democratic and Secular polity, Federal structure: Implications for Educational System
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According to John Dewey,
“The devotion of democracy to education is a familiar fact. A government resting upon popular suffrage cannot be successful unless those who govern and obey their governors are educated”.
Radhakrishnan commission (1948-49) stated,
“Education is the great instrument of social emancipation, by which democracy establishes, maintains and protects the spirit of equality among its members”.
The implications of democratic, secular polity and federal structure for the educational system are as follows:
Sense of Patriotism
It fosters a sense of patriotism among the learners. They develop a sincere appreciation and appraisal for the country’s social and cultural achievements. It enables learners to subordinate their interests and broaden national interests.
Sense of World Citizenship
It seeks to develop a sense of universal brotherhood of mankind among the learners through education. It fosters the development of awareness that they are citizens of the world. Secularism promotes a sense that every person is a member of a global world and constitutes one big family.
Living in a Community
The democratic, secular polity and federal structure of India enable citizens to learn the art of living in a community that accommodates people belonging to different cultures, religions, social backgrounds, and the like.
Leadership Training
A democratic nation needs efficient and effective leadership to run smoothly. Democratic education, therefore, trains learners to assume the role and responsibility of leadership in various aspects such as social, political, economic, industrial, or cultural. Along with this, it also facilitates the acquisition of skills that enable them to discharge and perform their duties efficiently.
Human Relationships
The democratic, secular polity and federal structure of India also facilitate the development of respect for friendship, humanity, courtesy, cooperation, polite behaviour, family life appreciation, family management skill, and the establishment of family democratic relationships.
Educational institutions should function alongside democratic principles. It is congenial for the full development of human personality. The school should offer full-scale liberty to its learners to develop under the influence of democracy. Equality of treatment and opportunity should be included in the functioning of the institution. The school should encourage individuals to be creative, adaptable, and disciplined.
Through the inclusion of multifarious activities, democratic ideals must be taught both theoretically and practically. Schools must strive to be a replica of a community. Ross states,
“Schools ought to stress the duties and responsibilities of individual citizens. They ought to train pupils in a spirit of cheerful, willing, and effective service. They should teach citizenship directly. Everywhere there should be a spirit of teamwork. School is a prepared environment in which a child may best blossom”.