Characteristics of Social Development during Childhood and Adolescence

Social Development Meaning

Social development is the process through which a child acquires the culture and language of the community he or she is raised in. According to Heinz Werner,

“Development consists of two processes integration and differentiation”.

Social development in child development means the improvement of the well-being of a child in the society in order to enable them to be aware of their potentials and enhance them. Investment in people can be termed as social development.

Characteristics of Social Development during Childhood and Adolescence

The characteristics of social development during childhood and adolescence are as follows:

  1. Social development during childhood and adolescence allows individuals to be aware about themselves and have a better understanding for themselves.
  2. Children start developing self concept between the age of three or six years. They develop an awareness that they have individual characteristics and are separate from others.
  3. During childhood and adolescence, individuals start developing judgements about competence and self worth.
  4. Childhood and adolescence is also the stage where individuals start developing problem solving abilities and social competence.
  5. Children start developing self regulation and awareness of emotions and they are able to control their emotions.
  6. Social development enables children and adolescents to control their emotions and outbursts throfub coping strategies so that they can adjust in society.
  7. Through social development, children leave their egocentric behaviour and start developing empathy as they reach preschool.


Social development is the process through which a child acquires the culture and language of the community he or she is raised in. JE Anderson states,

“Development is concerned with growth as well as those changes in behavior which results from environmental situations”.

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