Different Methods for Training Emotions and Emotional Maturity


Throughout one’s lifespan, human beings experience a wide array of emotions. The term emotion comes from the Latin word “emovere” meaning to move, or to stir, or to agitate. Emotion, hence, refers to the stirred or agitated state of being. When humans experience fear, disgust, joy, anger, grief, and more, a feeling of agitation or excitement occurs.

Methods of Emotional Self Regulation

According to the model of emotional maturity created by Drs. Goleman and Boyatzis, there are four methods of training emotions and emotional maturity which are as follows:

Self Awareness

It means having an understanding of yourself, your emotions, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Having self-awareness allows you to acknowledge your goals and have a direction in life. It helps you to build self-confidence and self-esteem which is crucial for emotional maturity.

Self Management

It refers to understanding the different emotions and feelings you are going through and the ability to manage them. Self-management allows you to recognize your emotions and have control over them. It helps you to manage yourself when you are in a bad mood or are angry.

Social Awareness

It is the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others. It helps one to be a patient listener and pay attention to others so that one can achieve emotional maturity.

Relationship Management

It means the ability to be able to interact properly with others. One should be able to have a good relation with other people and have a feeling of sympathy towards others for emotions to be trained.


These are the four methods of training emotions and emotional maturity according to the model proposed by Drs Goleman and Boyatzis.

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