Major Characteristics and Difference Between High Self-Esteem and Low Self-Esteem 

In the context of psychology, self-esteem is a term used to refer to a person’s overall subjective sense of personal value and worth. It can be defined as the amount of appreciation a person has for himself or herself regardless of the circumstances. A lot of factors may contribute to defining self-esteem, some of which include self-confidence, identity, sense of belonging, feeling of security, and feeling of competence. Few terms that are often used interchangeably with self-esteem are self-regard, self-respect, and self-worth.

Major Characteristics of Self-Esteem

The major characteristics of self-esteem are as follows:


People with better self-esteem can make better and more helpful decisions.


Self-esteem is also highly essential for establishing and maintaining relationships.

Emotional Health

Self-esteem is also important for maintaining one’s emotional well-being.

Mental Health

Self-esteem is important to avoid stress and have good mental health and well-being.

Overall Well-Being

People with high self-esteem can lead a better quality of life and enjoy overall well-being.

Differences Between High and Low Self-Esteem

The main differences between high and low self-esteem are as follows:

High Self-Esteem

People with high self-esteem have the following characteristics:

  1. Sense of Purpose: Self-esteem allows individuals to have a sense of purpose in life.
  2. Positive Outlook: People with high self-esteem can have a positive outlook on life.
  3. Realistic: Self-esteem enables people to accept themselves and accept reality as well.
  4. Value of Self: Self-esteem allows one to appreciate their value and worth regardless of the opinion of others.
  5. Communication Skills: Self-esteem helps individuals to improve their communication skills.
  6. Drive for Success: Self-esteem allows people to take on new challenges and achieve success in life.
  7. Resilience: Self-esteem develops individuals into resilient and self-sufficient human beings.

Low Self-Esteem

People with low self-esteem have the following characteristics:

  1. Affects performance: People with low self-esteem may sometimes face failures in their performance.
  2. Emotional problems: Due to poor self-esteem, sometimes, individuals may face emotional problems.
  3. Lack of confidence: Lack of self-esteem may also lead to a lack of confidence among individuals.
  4. Poor academic performance: Those who have poor self-esteem may face problems in academics as well.
  5. Substance abuse: Those who have low self-esteem may be more prone to substance and drug abuse.
  6. Affects Career: Those with low self-esteem may not be able to take advantage of their career opportunities
  7. Emotional and mental health problems: Low self-esteem can lead to anxiety, stress, depression, and loneliness too.
Sr. No.High Self-EsteemLow Self-Esteem
1.Sense of PurposeAffects performance
2.Positive OutlookEmotional problems
3.RealisticLack of confidence
4.Value of SelfPoor academic performance
5.Communication SkillsSubstance abuse
6.Drive for SuccessAffects Career
7.ResilienceEmotional and mental health problems
High Self Esteem and Low Self Esteem

Self-esteem plays an important role because it has a huge impact on your decision-making process, your emotional health, your mental health, your relationships, and your overall well-being. It also impacts the amount of motivation you have. People with healthy self-esteem and a positive view of themselves recognize their potential and may feel more inspired to take on new challenges than those with low self-esteem.

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