Characteristics and Main Features of Thematic Integrated Approach of Learning and Teaching English 

The thematic approach to teaching integrates all subject areas under one theme. It blends different subject lines and helps children associate with real-world ideas and basic academic skills. Thematic units are highly popular in preschool classes because preschool children learn through interactive and integrated activities. These themed units include reading, math, science, and social studies, as well as the arts to develop a well-balanced curriculum. According to a researcher, a thematic approach is a

“teaching approach that organizes subject matter around unifying themes.”

Main Features Of Thematic Integrated Approach to Learning and Teaching English

Content Areas Are Integrated

In this approach, different content areas are integrated rather than made to stand alone which enables learners to make better sense of content.

Parts Of A Whole

Information is presented as parts of a whole rather than as isolated facts which allows learners to retain information in a better manner.

Relevant Topics

The approach focuses on topics relevant to learners which encourages learners to involve actively.

Real-world Experiences

The approach also focuses on real-world experiences and their existing knowledge of the topic, making the lesson more relatable.

Different Learning Styles

This approach also enables teachers to adapt to the different learning styles of the learners.

Higher Engagement

Renowned psychologists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bruner suggest that integrated subject matter increases the engagement of the whole brain.


It is an active approach that encourages the active participation of the learners and keeps them engaged.

According to Lam (2007),

“Thematic approach is teaching in which a single context or a group of closely related contexts forms the basis of a unit of learning. A theme can be conceived as a context in which a variety of learning experiences are situated over an extended period of time.”

Teachers can choose various themes for the month and create activities related to the theme. This will encourage the learners to participate in the learning process more actively and it will also improve their language learning to a great extent.

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