Advantages and Disadvantages of Audio Lingual Method in Teaching English with Examples

The audio-lingual method grew into prominence in the 1950s in the USA. The two world wars led to innovative approaches to teaching English s a second language, particularly in the USA. They were seen as little modifications made in the Direct Method. During the Second World War, US officials felt the need for translators and interpreters who were fluent in major foreign languages. In 1942, a special training program was organized to train fluent foreign speakers in a short time which is why this method is also referred to as the Army Method. This method started with a focus on grammar and pronunciation through oral drills and practice. It has a strong connection with structural linguistics.

Aims Of Audio Lingual Method

The major aims of the audio-lingual method include the following:

Oral Learning

Oral learning is the main focus of this method and the main aim of this method is to enhance the speaking and listening skills of learners.

Communication Skills

This method aims to improve the development of the learner’s communication skills.

Practice is Important

It aims to enable learners to practice more which is considered to be the main aspect of learning a foreign language.

Advantages of Audio-lingual Method

Focuses on All Four Skills

The teacher focuses equally on all the four skills – reading, listening, writing, and speaking and teaches them separately.

Focus On Language Laboratory

In this method, there is a lot of focus on the language laboratory too and it is an important teaching aid.

No Use Of Mother Tongue

Similar to the direct method, there is no use of mother tongue in this method either.

Importance of Dialogue

In this method, dialogue plays a highly dominant and important role.

Develops Communicative Competence

It helps learners to develop communicative competence.

Disadvantages Of Audio Lingual Method

Teacher-Dominated Method

This method is highly teacher-dominated as the teacher plays an important role.

Meaning Is Neglected

Sometimes, the proper meaning of words and phrases may be neglected in this method.

Mechanical Method

This method can be a bit mechanical due to memorization and pattern practice.

Limited To Certain Learners

This method may only work for hardworking learners.

May Get Monotonous

The drilling and memorization of pronunciation may get tedious and monotonous for many learners.

The audio-lingual method can be used for teaching a large group of learners. It demands drilling, memorization, and pattern practice. Advantages and Disadvantages of Audio Lingual Method in Teaching English with Examples

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