Types of Individual Differences in Education and Distinguish Briefly Between Inter and Intra Individual Differences B.Ed Notes 


It is not important that every individual will be similar to another individual in every sense and characteristic. There is various kind of differences that make a person different from another.

Types of Individual Differences Based on Traits

There can be two types of individual differences based on their traits:

Inter-Individual Differences

These kinds of differences are considered the difference which can be measurable. Inter-individual differences are called the variations in physical structure, mental level, emotional factors, and social attributes in two or more two individuals. For example, a person can be measured by the weight and the variation in their growth along with the kind of temperament that person possesses in comparison to another individual.

Intra-Individual Differences

Intra Individual differences are those differences that are found in an individual with respect to various personality traits. These traits can also be measured but the difference is that these traits are compared with another trait of a person himself. It includes the kind of variations an individual can hold in various characteristics. For example, a person who is highly intelligent can have poor academic performance at school or a person who is physically healthy but does not have high intelligence.

Types of Individual Differences Based on Attributes

There are other classifications from which individual differences can be categorized. These facts are based on the following facts:


it intelligent term has classified the level of mental ability in 26 categories these are near gifted or gifted 140 or above superior or very superior in between 100 to 150 40 normal or average in between 19 to 110 dull in between 80 to 90 borderline mentally deficient below 80 feeble-minded below 70 so these were the ranges of IQ which would form the mental ability e of an individual it is found that children who have a high intelligence are good at an academic level rather than Lo intelligent students

Educational Achievement and Learning Capacity

The area of education also plays a vital role in determining the individual difference despite having planned lessons, teaching pedagogy training, and special attention to students. Individual differences always exist in the education field. These educational differences can be categorized into two categories:

  • General and All-round Educational Differences
  • Specific Differences in Certain School Subjects

Therefore, every classroom has slow learners and gifted children which can be handled with the right strategy and appreciation provided to them by the teacher.

Creativity and the Special Talent

It has been noticed that children can be creative from their initial stage of childhood as they all possess creativity and artistic expressions without outer interference. Consequently, this creativity can be enhanced and promoted with art, stories, games, and various creative skills.

Personality Traits and Character

It has been seen that not every child is similar in respect to their personality and attitude. They should be inculcated with honesty, humbleness, truthfulness, and various positive traits by the implementation of certain good beliefs and ideals into the classroom. For example, if a child cheats in the examination, behaves well with other citizens, shows help and humbleness, etc.

Emotional and Social Adjustment

It can be seen that not every child would adjust to society from an emotional and social perspective. Some students are very emotional at the beginning of the age and can be social and introverted depending on their social behavior and nature. For example, the feeling of being egoist, self-obsession, the feeling of competition with other mates and peers, and their attitude towards their family, teachers, neighbors et cetera.

Types of Individual Differences Based on Acquisition

Inherited Individual Differences

  • Physical Individual Differences
  • Cognitive Individual Differences
  • Temperamental Individual Differences

Acquired Individual Differences

  • Social Differences from family, neighborhood, society
  • Educational Differences from academic Performance
  • Emotional Differences
  • Cultural Differences


In conclusion, it can be said that individual differences can be of various types which can cause difficulty for the teacher to reduce the gap to enhance the learning process. However, the understanding of various traits and differences can surely assist the teacher to reach the teaching goal.

Types of Individual Differences in Education
Types of Individual Differences in Education and Distinguish Briefly Between Inter and Intra Individual Differences B.Ed Notes 

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