Teacher is the carrier and also the giver of knowledge. Justify this statement.

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingTeacher is the carrier and also the giver of knowledge. Justify this statement.
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
Teacher is the person responsible for imparting the knowledge in the classroom and in the teaching learning process due to which, teacher is referred to as the carrier of knowledge. It is their role and their duty to have the knowledge that they need to transmit to the learners. Teachers should be able to have knowledge of the things they are imparting to the students. They can be referred to as the storehouse of knowledge. Due to this, it is the teacher’s role to give knowledge to the learners.   Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Transmitter of Knowledge    Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Facilitator of Knowledge    Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Negotiator in Teaching-Learning Process   Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Co LearnerÂ