Explain the role of a teacher in effective communication and building relationships.

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingExplain the role of a teacher in effective communication and building relationships.
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
The teaching learning process is incomplete without the active involvement of instructors and learners. Interaction between the instructor and the learner is essential for the teaching learning process to be successful. If there is a communication gap between the teachers and the learners, there might be a lack of understanding in their relationship due to which the teacher must be able to negotiate. To make the teaching learning process successful, teachers must have a good relationship with the learners and their parents as well. Due to this, the skill of negotiation is a must for teachers.   Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Negotiator  Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Facilitator Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Co Learner Read Full Lesson: Role of Teacher as Transmitter of Knowledge