What are the Child’s Development Skills During Child Development in Childhood

  • Emotions are feelings, which are usually experienced when an individual is faced with situations that affect his or her life, such as loss of loved ones, failure at school, and problems with family relationships. Emotions are the most basic form of communication and reflect the nature of a person’s thoughts and feelings. –
  • Cognitive development is the ability to think logically and to analyze information, to understand what is being said, and to solve problems.
  • Motor skills develop from age 1 to 3. They include the ability to play, move around, and use tools. –
  • Social development starts at age 2 and continues through adolescence. It is characterized by the child’s ability to communicate with others, to socialize and interact with peers, and to express emotions. The ability to regulate emotions and behave in socially appropriate ways are also essential to the development of this skill. –
  • Language development begins at age  4. The child can now produce simple phrases, and can understand what others are saying. –
  • Self-help skills develop from age 4 to 5. The child is able to understand and control his or her behavior, and to understand how the environment affects him or her.
  • Conceptual thinking develops from age 6 to 3. The child can now solve problems, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and learn from mistakes. –
  • Problem-solving skills develop from age 7 to 4. The child can now think logically, analyze information, and solve problems. –
  • Social skills develop from age 8 to 5. The child can now interact with others in social settings, behave appropriately in social situations, and recognize the emotions of others. –
  • Self-concept develops from age 9 to 6. The child begins to recognize that he or she has personal characteristics and that these are different from those of other people. He or she also begins to make comparisons between self and other people, and to identify positive and negative characteristics of himself or herself.
  • Communication skills – How well can they talk? How well can they listen? What are their preferred ways of communicating? Can they read, write, and do arithmetic? Can they speak another language?
  • Physical skills – How strong are they? Can they jump high? Can they run fast? Can they throw a ball?
  • Creative skills – How well can they draw? How well can they dance? How well can they sing? Problem-solving skills – Can they plan ahead? Can they solve problems? Can they find out facts? Can they think logically? Can they remember things?
  • In addition, children develop a number of attitudes that affect how they relate to other people and how they view themselves. These include:
  • Competence – How confident are they? How competent are they in school? Do they have friends? How well do they do in sports? What do they like about school? How do they feel about their appearance? Are they happy with the way they look? Do they consider themselves beautiful or ugly? Do they feel good about themselves? Are they self-confident? How well do they think they can cope with life? Is their self-confidence based on external factors such as what others think about them, or on internal factors such as their own actions? Are they comfortable being themselves? Is there anything about them that is difficult to deal with?
  • Self-esteem – How do they see themselves? What do they like about themselves? What do they dislike about themselves? How do they feel about the way they look? Do they believe they are lovable? Do they like the way they are? Are they happy with their bodies? How do they feel about the way they behave? How much do they like and respect their parents? Do they like the way their parents treat them? What do they like about their family? Do they like and respect other members of their family? What do they like about their family? What do they think about their religion? Is it important to them? What do they think about their community? Are they proud of where they live? How do they feel about living in their community? What do they like about their community? Do they like the way it is being run? What do they think about life in general? How do they feel about themselves? Do they think life is worthwhile? What do they like about life? How do they feel about the world around them? How do they feel about the world in general? How do they feel about the future? How do they feel about the future? What do they like and dislike about their country?


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