What is the difference between learning as construction of knowledge and learning as transmission and reception of knowledge?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingWhat is the difference between learning as construction of knowledge and learning as transmission and reception of knowledge?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago

Learning as Construction of Knowledge

  • Continuous Process
Learning is a never ending process and it takes place from birth to death. Hence, it is a continuous process.
  • Goal Oriented
Learning is a goal oriented process. It is concerned with achieving goals. It enables one to receive knowledge and accomplish their goals.
  • New Knowledge
Teachers impart new knowledge and information to the learners for their proper development. Transmission of knowledge Teachers transmit their knowledge to the learners to enable them to grow and develop. Reception of knowledge Learners receive the knowledge that is being imparted to them by the teachers.
  • Interaction
Learners listen to the teachers and what is being taught. This allows them to receive knowledge. They can ask queries if they have doubts which helps them to construct their knowledge.
  • Use of previous knowledge to create new knowledge
The previous knowledge of learners are used to create and construct new knowledge. In construction of knowledge, the teacher plays a pivotal and important role in generating the ideas.
In transmission of knowledge, the teacher plays a role of catalyst to transfer the knowledge. Read More>>  Role of learner in knowledge construction and transmission   role of teacher and student in construction of knowledgeÂ