What are the main types of processes that facilitate the construction of knowledge?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingWhat are the main types of processes that facilitate the construction of knowledge?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
There are six main types of processes that facilitate the construction of knowledge or the cognitive development which are as follows:  
  1. Language: Language is a means of communication. It includes the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With these skills, we develop the ability to communicate effectively.
  2. Attention: Attention refers to the ability of being able to concentrate or focus on one thing or task at a time.
  3. Memory: Memory refers to knowledge that is stored in the mind. Our brains store many memories. Memories allow people to recall and recollect objects, information, and situations and react to them.
  4. Perception: It includes new information and old information that enables the brain to make sense of a situation, process and perceive them, and respond to them. It includes smell, touch, sight, and hearing.
  5. Learning: Learning refers to the acquisition of new knowledge and information. It blends the previous knowledge with new knowledge for better functioning of the brain.
  6. Higher Reasoning: Higher reasoning involves skills such as making decisions, planning and organizing your schedule, planning, plotting, problem solving, and reasoning.
Read Full Lesson: types of processes that facilitate the construction of knowledge  Experiential learning contribute to construction and reflection of knowledge