The relationship between the teacher and the learner must be formal, encouraging, and motivating. Elaborate

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingThe relationship between the teacher and the learner must be formal, encouraging, and motivating. Elaborate
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
The teaching learning process needs the involvement of teachers and learners for it to be successful and effective. It is essential for the two parties to maintain a respectful professional relationship. The relationship between the teacher and the learner must be formal and not too informal or the learners may begin to take advantage. Teachers must always motivate their learners and encourage them to develop an interest towards learning new things. To improve the teaching learning process and for the efficient development of learners, maintaining a professional relationship between the teacher and the learner is crucial.   Read Full Lesson: Describe Approaches to Teaching and Learning  Read Full Lesson: Assumptions and Beliefs about Teaching and Learning