Explain the features that characterize the relationship between the teacher and the learner.

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingExplain the features that characterize the relationship between the teacher and the learner.
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
The relationship between the teacher and the learner is as follows: Professional: The relationship between a teacher and a learner must always be built on mutual respect and should be professional. Based on Trust: The relationship between a teacher and a learner must always be based on trust. The learner must be able to rely on the teacher. Respectful: The teacher as well as the student must be respectful to one another. Both the parties must have mutual respect. Understanding: The teacher should have a good understanding of his or her learners to make the teaching learning process successful. Presence of Communication: Learners must be able to communicate their problems and queries with their teacher without any hesitation. Teachers must encourage their learners to be interactive.   Read Full Lesson: The Relationship Between the Teacher and the Learner  Read Full Lesson: Assumptions and Beliefs about Teaching and Learning