Briefly discuss spearman’s two-factor theory of intelligence?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingBriefly discuss spearman’s two-factor theory of intelligence?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
Spearman’s theory of intelligence is known as  “General Intelligence” or the “g factor”. He established the two-factor theory of Intelligence in 1904. Spearman used the technique of factor analysis to come up with his theory. According to Spearman, intelligence is a general cognitive ability that can be measured and numerically expressed. He feels that humans possess a single underlying factor “a generalized form of intelligence”, known as the g-factor, which helps them to utilize corresponding abilities “a specialized form of intelligence”, known as the s-factor. Spearmen linked this relationship to a common factor, called the General Intelligence (g). Thus, this theory came to be known as the Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence. Read more>> Spearman’s theory of intelligence