what are the advantages and disadvantages of cognitive learning theory

QuestionsCategory: Learning and Teachingwhat are the advantages and disadvantages of cognitive learning theory
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago


The disadvantages of solving a problem through the trial and error method are as follows:

Creative Approach

The trial and error is considered to be a creative approach for solving tasks because it makes individuals use both the right and left hemispheres of their brain.

Less Time Consuming

The trial and method consume less time to solve tasks that do not have a great depth of difficulty.

Division of Tasks

The trial and error method involves the division of tasks which makes it possible for individuals to search for a quick solution.


The disadvantages of solving a problem through the trial and error method are as follows:

Consumes a Lot of Energy

The trial and error method can be a bit energy-consuming since it uses a lot of energy which can limit the quantity of learning.  

Emphasizes Rote Learning

The theory includes the use of repetition and therefore, encourages rote learning.

Ineffective for Bright Learners

Learners who do not focus on rote memorization and learn things quickly may find this method ineffective. Read More>>Â