Who propounded the contiguity theory and what does it refer to?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingWho propounded the contiguity theory and what does it refer to?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
Edwin Ray Guthrie was a renowned American behavioral psychologist who is best known for his continuity theory of learning. The theory of contiguity is a psychological learning theory that emphasizes that a close relationship between the stimuli and the responses is required for their association. His contiguity theory states that, “a combination of stimuli which has accompanied a movement will on its recurrence tend to be followed by that movement”. He further stated that specific patterns of the sensory motor are affected by the stimuli and the responses. Hence, movements, instead of behaviors, are learned.   Read Full Lesson: Guthrie’s Contiguity Theory of Learning in Education