Which of the following are the elements of experiential learning?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingWhich of the following are the elements of experiential learning?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
  1. Positive learning environment
  2. Imbalanced Learning
  3. The teacher should be an active listener
  4. The teacher should not be an active listener
  Experiential learning attends to the needs and desires of the learner. Rogers believes that experiential learning is initiated by the self, involves personal interest and development, knowledge is evaluated by the learner, and it impacts the learner positively. The teacher must create a positive learning environment to facilitate self-initiated learning among children. There should be a balance between emotional and intellectual components for organized learning. The teacher needs to be an active listener so that he or she can guide the learners properly. Hence, the elements of experiential learning include a positive learning environment and balanced learning where the teacher is an active listener. Read More>>