What is the role of curriculum and textbook in gender equality?

QuestionsCategory: Gender, School and SocietyWhat is the role of curriculum and textbook in gender equality?
admin Staff asked 2 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Construction of Gender in the Curriculum Framework Since Independence

No use of sexist language

Use of any sexist language that may offend either male or female in the classroom and in textbooks is strictly prohibited.


The experiences of women and girls must be included in the curriculum so that more people can be aware of women’s empowerment.


The examples and experiences used in the classroom must be relevant to both genders and not just boys or girls.


Extensive knowledge must be incorporated in textbooks that are produced from the research and findings done by women.


The textbooks, mainly novels, and stories, used in the classroom must not only be works of male authors but female authors as well. Read more>>> Read Complete Course>>>