What is the difference between structural and functional grammar?

QuestionsCategory: Pedagogy of EnglishWhat is the difference between structural and functional grammar?
admin Staff asked 2 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 2 years ago
The question of what constitutes a grammatical structure has been debated in the field of linguistics for a long time. The concept of “grammatical structure” was introduced in the late 19th century to denote certain aspects of language that are not directly related to the semantics of words or sentences but rather to the grammatical relations between them. Structural grammar is the study of the form of sentences and how they function in a language. Functional grammar is the study of the meaning of sentences and how they function in a language. Structural grammar is the study of how words are put together to form sentences and paragraphs. Functional grammar is the study of how words are used to express meaning. Read More>>>