What are the advantages and limitations of grammar translation method?

QuestionsCategory: Pedagogy of EnglishWhat are the advantages and limitations of grammar translation method?
admin Staff asked 2 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 2 years ago


  1. The meaning of English words, phrases, sentences, and more can be learned easily by the students.
  2. It enriches the vocabulary of learners in English as learners may consult the Dictionary to learn the meaning of new words.
  3. Students can learn English with the help of their mother tongue.
  4. It promotes the skill of reading and comprehension because the textbook is the main component of this method.
  5. This method does not require many teaching and learning materials due to which it is cost-effective


  1. It is an unnatural method as it does not follow the natural order of learning which includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  2. It neglects the oral approach to language learning so they may not be able to develop proper expression in the foreign language.
  3. It does not offer pattern practice due to which students may read or write poorly despite knowing the grammar rules.
  4. This method is also considered to be mechanical and dull as it promotes rote memorization.
  5. This method also includes learning through translation which can delay the natural speech development of the learners while learning a foreign language.