Point out the impact of cultural capital on education in learning.

QuestionsCategory: Childhood and Growing UpPoint out the impact of cultural capital on education in learning.
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
The impact of cultural capital on education in learning are as follows:
  1. It motivates learners to achieve higher in tests due to which there is a decrease in the dropout rate.
  2. It encourages learners to have an active participation in school activities and community organizations.
  3. Cultural capital takes the interest of the learners into account which enables learners to pursue art.
  4. The norms and skills which learners acquire from a culture can help them to progress on their educational journey.
  5. The learners’ cultural experiences can help them to relate with the topic being taught and they may develop more interest in learning about the topic.
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