Point out the educational implications of Skinner’s operant conditioning theory.

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingPoint out the educational implications of Skinner’s operant conditioning theory.
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago

The educational implications of Skinner’s operant conditioning theory are as follows.

  1. Used for Shaping Children’s Behaviour: The operant conditioning theory can be used in the classroom to shape the behaviour of children through the use of rewards or reinforcement.
  2. Eliminates Negative Behaviour: The operant conditioning theory involves the use of negative reinforcement which strengthens behaviour by eliminating unpleasant behaviour.
  3. Reinforcement: The operant conditioning theory includes positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement which can be used to shape the behaviour of children.
  4. Removes Unwanted Behaviour: The operant conditioning theory helps in removing the unwanted behaviour of children such as demotivation towards learning, tardiness, and the like.
  5. Motivated Learners: The use of reinforcement in the form of rewards motivates children to keep learning and perform better.

Read Full Lesson: Skinner's operant conditioning theory