Explain Spearman Two Factor Theory of Intelligence

Explain Spearman Two Factor Theory of Intelligence

Education Summary

Spearman’s theory of intelligence is known as  “General Intelligence” or the “g factor”.

Spearman’s theory of intelligence is known as  “General Intelligence” or the “g factor”.

Education Summary

Spearman used the technique of factor analysis to come up with his theory.

Spearman used the technique of factor analysis to come up with his theory.

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Intelligence is a general cognitive ability that can be measured and numerically expressed.

Intelligence is a general cognitive ability that can be measured and numerically expressed.

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– IQ or intelligence quotient tests, which is a technique of measuring one’s general cognitive abilities, is the outcome of Spearman’s theory of General Intelligence.

– IQ or intelligence quotient tests, which is a technique of measuring one’s general cognitive abilities, is the outcome of Spearman’s theory of General Intelligence.

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In his opinion, a student doing well in one subject was likely to do so in corresponding subjects as well.

In his opinion, a student doing well in one subject was likely to do so in corresponding subjects as well.

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It recommended that the schools must be divided into two groups – junior basic schools and senior basic schools.

It recommended that the schools must be divided into two groups – junior basic schools and senior basic schools.

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A student good in maths would be good in logical games and detecting patterns as well.

A student good in maths would be good in logical games and detecting patterns as well.

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“a generalized form of intelligence”, known as the g-factor

“a generalized form of intelligence”, known as the g-factor

Education Summary

This is what Spearman’s Two Factor Theory of Intelligence suggests.

This is what Spearman’s Two Factor Theory of Intelligence suggests.

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