What are the factors that differentiate between self-regulated learning and collaborative learning?

QuestionsCategory: Learning and TeachingWhat are the factors that differentiate between self-regulated learning and collaborative learning?
admin Staff asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
The factors that differentiate between self-regulated learning and collaborative learning are as follows.
  1. Self-regulated learning is gaining knowledge and skills through one's self-understanding and efforts. Collaborative learning is the knowledge and skills acquired through joined understanding and efforts of one’s self and others.
  2. In self-regulated learning, a person is working individually towards achieving their own goal whereas, in collaborative learning, people are working together towards achieving a common goal.
  3. In self-regulated learning, there is no sharing of ideas and opinions as one is working individually whereas, in collaborative learning, there is sharing of ideas and opinions between pairs or groups.
  4. In self-regulated learning, the individual does not interact with any other person and makes the plans and strategies solely. In collaborative learning, the plans and strategies are shared and there is an interaction among the members.
  5. In self-regulated learning, the individual’s knowledge and behavior do not influence the others whereas, in collaborative learning, the knowledge and behavior of the group members influence one another. 
  6. The goal is to accomplish the task for one's self in self-regulated learning. In collaborative learning, the goal is to accomplish the task together.
  7. In self-regulated learning, the source of motivation is just the person itself, whereas, in collaborative learning, the members are each other’s source of motivation and encourage one another throughout.
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