What are the 10 Steps of Research Process in Research Methodology

What are the 10 Steps of Research Process in Research Methodology

Waltz and Bausell opine,

“Research is a systematic, formal, rigorous and precise process employed to gain solutions to problems or to discover and interpret new facts and relationships.”

American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie states,

“Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon.”

Research refers to a careful consideration of study related to a specific problem or concern applying scientific methods. The word ‘research’ originates from the French word “recerchier” which means to ‘search again.’ Theodorson and Theodorson (1969) states,

“it refers to any honest attempt to study a problem systematically or to add to man’s knowledge of a problem.”

According to Gratton & Jones, 2009,

“Research is a systematic process of discovery and advancement of human knowledge.”

Dawson (2019) states,

“research methodology is the primary principle that will guide your research.  It becomes the general approach in conducting research on your topic and determines what research method you will use. A research methodology is different from a research method because research methods are the tools you use to gather your data.”

Research methodology refers to a systematic way to solve a research problem by collecting data using various techniques. Kothari,2004, defines research methodology as,

“the systematic way to solve the research problems.”

10 Steps of Research Process in Research Methodology

1. STEP 1: Formulate your question

2. STEP 2: Get background information

3. STEP 3: Refine your search topic

4. STEP 4: Consider your resource options

5. STEP 5: Select the appropriate tool

6. STEP 6: Use the tool

7. STEP 7: Locate your materials

8. STEP 8: Analyze your materials

9. STEP 9: Organize and write

10. STEP 10: Compose your bibliography

Robson (2002) defines research methodology as,

“the theoretical, political and philosophical backgrounds to social research and their implications for research practice and for the use of particular research method.”

According to Morvaridi (2005), the most prevalent methodologies in social sciences and humanities research methodology are quantitative and qualitative research.

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