Difference Between Learning as the Construction of Knowledge and Transmission and Reception of Knowledge 


Knowledge is the information and skills one has acquired through education and experience. This may be in the form of theoretical understanding or practical experience. What is learned can be defined as knowledge. Learning is an acquisition of knowledge.

There are three forms of learning which are as follows:

  • Construction of knowledge
  • Transmission of knowledge
  • Reception of knowledge

The construction of knowledge can be considered as the knowledge gained by oneself. Transmission and reception of knowledge may be regarded as the knowledge acquired through the teachings of another person.

Difference Between Learning as the Construction of Knowledge and Transmission and Reception of Knowledge 

The major differences between learning as the Construction of Knowledge and Transmission and Reception of Knowledge are as follows:


Learning as construction is the experience acquired by the learner through their own understanding whereas transmission and reception is the knowledge acquired and received by the learner from the instructor.

Role of the Learner

In the construction of knowledge, there is the active participation of the learner whereas, in transmission and reception of learning, there is the passiveness of the learner.

Process of Learning

The personal experience of the learner plays a huge role in the construction of knowledge. In the transmission and reception of knowledge, learning taught by the teacher to the student is of primary importance.

The difference in Orientation

The learning is self-directed in the construction of knowledge whereas the learning is teacher-directed in transmission and reception of knowledge.

The focus of Learning

In learning as a construction, the knowledge gained is learner-centered whereas in learning as transmission and reception, the learning is teacher-centered.

Nature of Learning

Learning as construction of knowledge is intrinsic and learning as transmission and reception of knowledge is extrinsic.

Retention of Knowledge

In learning as the construction of knowledge, what will be learned is not fixed whereas in transmission and reception of knowing what will be learned is predetermined.


Thus, the information that is gained through one’s own experiences and understanding rather than from one another is learning as the construction of knowledge. The knowledge that is being transmitted from the teacher to the student where the latter is purely receiving the information shared to them is known as learning as transmission and reception of knowledge.

Difference Between Learning as the Construction-of Knowledge and-Transmission-and-Reception-of-Knowledge
Difference Between Learning as the Construction of Knowledge and Transmission and Reception of Knowledge 

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